While it is still early days, our team at Ryco have found BIMI very useful. Historically the data from Burson for sales out had been limited.
Having the ability to break down Ryco sales by store and category is helping understand our current situation, and have the ability to grow Burson and Ryco sales out with more confidence.
Our management team will be able to routinely use this application, see what activity is successful and monitor our business growth not only nationally but right through to store level.
Our State and Territory Managers can now have pro-active business meetings with Burson Store Managers working on a targeted approach by taking into account areas of decline and new opportunities.
This tool will also help us for F20, as we will have a more structured KPI system for Burson stores. We are looking forward to seeing some wins from having BIMI in operation.
Natalia Pratts - National Sales Co-ordinator. Australia & New Zealand